by focusing on the following actions:
Understanding the real threats to your current capabilities through assessment of:
Identifying and enumerating malicious activity originating from outside & inside your environment via:
People, processes and technology innovation provide a strong defence. We help you with:
What is the point of all this technology and processes if you can’t get your job done and it just gets ignored anyway?
We have seen documentation prepared for documentation sake. We have even written it ourselves (guilty!). But we don’t want to waste our lives doing that (boring) and we don’t believe you shouldn’t have to pay for it (better things to spend your money on, right?).
Ready to take the next step?
Continuous improvement is key – let's aim to reach a level of security
maturity that’s right for your business.
As a socially responsible company, we also want to make a difference to the Australian community, through the promotion of fairness, respect and equality. As members of Supply Nation, we are a 50% indigenous-owned business. We are always interested in hearing about new community initiatives that we can support. Let us know if you are a member of the indigenous community and are interested in joining CyberAnalytics – as a consultant or as a trainee.